
Cormar Carpets Malabar 2 Ply Wool Loop


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Transform your home with the luxurious appeal of Cormar Malabar 2 Ply Wool Loop Carpet, exclusively supplied by Cameron Lee Carpets Bristol. Crafted with premium wool fibers, this carpet offers unparalleled softness, durability, and timeless elegance. Explore our collection today and experience the ultimate in comfort and style for your living space.

 View samples at your local showroom. 

Pile Material: 100% Wool / Moth Resistant, 2 Ply Yarn, Made in the UK 

Backing: Actionbac

Tog Rating: 1.2

Suitable for: Extra Heavy Domestic / Medium Commercial Use

Width Availability: 4.00m, 5.00m

(For more detail please refer to the specification tab)

Backing Type Secondary
Material 100% Wool
Range Malabar
Style Loop
Suitability Heavy Domestic / Medium Contract
Width 4 Metre, 5 Metre

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Tags: Cormar Malabar Bristol & Bath, 2 Ply Wool Loop Carpet, Cameron Lee Carpets Bristol, Premium Wool Fibers, Luxurious Comfort, Timeless Elegance, Durable Flooring, Bristol Carpets, Cormar Bristol,